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New pre-reg training program gives trainees the opportunity to shadow SpaMedica’s clinical teams and in-house optometrists
Last month, SpaMedica announced it was partnering with Vision Express to offer pre-registration training placements to 150 aspiring optometrists. The pre-reg training program will be run across SpaMedica’s nationwide network of hospitals, with trainees taking part in cataract pre- and post-operative clinics, as well as medical retina services.
Placements will last for 2.5 days, and trainees will have the opportunity to see the theater teams in action, attend virtual clinics with patients, and learn how to provide care and advice remotely.
We caught up with Tom Critchley, training program leader and SpaMedica’s Principal Optometrist, for more details on the initiative.
What are the key learning outcomes that pre-registration optometrists can expect from their placement?
To observe patient pathways in cataract and medical retina hospital eye clinics; improve practical skills, specifically slit lamp techniques along with OCT interpretation; be able to diagnose and understand the management of common ocular conditions; and to learn and understand the consent process and how it should be applied in practice.
How does the placement align with the Scheme for Registration requirements set by The College of Optometrists?
The College of Optometrists’ requirements are for pre-reg’s to attend 10 sessions in hospital eye service as part of the pre-reg program. Due to very limited availability, virtual hospital eye service experiences replace these in-person hospital visits for the vast majority. For the first cohort, SpaMedica is providing all pre-registration optometrists five of those sessions, which we hope to increase in the future.
What are the eligibility criteria for optometrists interested in applying?
We felt that for our first cohort of pre-reg’s, it would be easier logistically to work with one of the large multiples. As we develop the program, we hope to open our hospitals to more students, but space is unfortunately limited. Should pre-reg optometrists not involved in the current program wish to enquire, we’d love to hear from them. Sadly, we won’t be able to take them all, but I hope the other providers of ophthalmology services also step up to provide this crucial experience for the next generation.
How involved will trainees be in pre- and post-operative cataract clinics and medical retina services?
We’ve designed the program to be as immersive as possible teaching them practical skills and diagnostic interpretation, as well as patient management and consent.
Are there any opportunities for newly qualified optometrists to join SpaMedica after their registration?
Many of our optometry team are new to the profession. We welcome optometrists of all levels of experience if the clinical path is where they see themselves heading. It’s a brave leap into the world of hospital optometry, so we ensure all of our optometrists undergo an intensive six-month process under the supervision of our amazing lead optometrists. Over time they gain additional skills, which will serve them well during what I hope will be a long and happy career here.
How does this program help bridge the gap between high street optometry and hospital optometry?
Our colleagues working in high street optometry do a fantastic job, but I feel that once that referral letter is written, often there is limited understanding as to what happens with their patient when they arrive here. Giving optometrists that exposure will be invaluable in allowing them to reassure their often worried, nervous patients what they’re going to experience when they turn up for their appointment in the hospital eye service.
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